Since its inception in 1990, the Artwalk has provided a venue for the showing and sale of original art in the gardens and alleys of the North Slope of Beacon Hill.
We have always encouraged artists to show a few experimental pieces or a large body of work developed over many years and everything in between. The Artwalk continues to be an inclusive and expanding group of painters, sculptors, art potters and photographers, with artists referring other artists and neighbors referring artists whose work they admire.
Year after year, the Beacon Hill Art Walk has been a great success thanks to the talent of all participating artists; the generosity of the residents that open up their private gardens, alleyways, and courtyards; the genius of the musicians that enchant all visitors; the energy of the volunteers that make sure everyone is happy; and the festive mood of our visitors that come in the thousands.
We are always looking for help in continuing to make the Beacon Hill Art Walk an enjoyable event. We encourage anyone who wants to participate and share this experience to contact us as soon as possible. We welcome any referrals if you know anyone that would like to participate.