Artist Bio

I spent my childhood in Rambervillers, a small town in the East of France, and I started quite early to write poems and short stories.

In 1985, after a two years sabbatical to take art classes at the School of Image in Epinal, I exhibit my first works, oils, acrylics and etchings. Then, after having obtained a Master’s degree in FLE and a DEA in Philosophy, I go and teach in Cambodia. I move to the United States in 1994.

It’s when I specialize in woodcuts or linocuts, mainly for lack of space to be able to do something else at the time.

Photography, which I had always used as a visual notebook, become the basis of my work. My writings turn to existential dialogues and short texts with photos that I decide to publish myself as books or blogs.

In 2007, I discover the island of Grand Manan in New Brunswick (Canada) and it becomes a regular source of inspiration.


Main Subject

Representative. My medium is printmaking: landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes, details of everyday life.


Materials and Techniques

I do linocuts and woodcuts which are original prints in limited and numbered edition, made from a previously cut wood or linoleum blocks. Once the block is ready, the relief is inked and a thick paper is pressed on it with a hand-pulled press or a wooden spoon. Colors, when present, are from watercolors applied later with a brush, or from colored pencils.

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